How to call with your Unlisted number

  • All Unlisted numbers can make and receive calls
  • Calls you make using Unlisted only show your Unlisted number's on the caller ID
  • Your real phone number is not associated with the call in any way and remains protected

Dialing a new number

The easiest way to dial a new number is to use the Dialer. To do this:

  1. Select the Calls tab on the bottom bar
  2. Tap the keypad button. It the colored and round button in the bottom right corner
  3. Dial the number you want to call
  4. Tap dial. It's the round button in the bottom row.

Call someone in your address book

You may also dial a contact using your phone's address book. Our iOS app also has its own private contact list. To call a normal or Unlisted contact:

  1. Select the Calls tab on the bottom bar
  2. Tap the keypad button. It the colored and round button in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap the contacts button. It is on the bottom left and looks like the silhouettes of two people.
  4. Find the contact. You can scroll through the list or search using the text field up top.
  5. Tap the contact's row
  6. You should be back on the dialer screen now. Tap dial. It's the round button in the bottom row.